Our Rapid Mobile Testing Laboratory is now up-and-running! As the newest member of the Gavin Griffiths fleet, the mobile testing laboratory is a service for soils, sludge and water, offering results within 20 minutes of recovering the sample!

The rapid testing ensures materials are managed in line with relevant guidelines and regulations, enabling increased programme certainty for recycling companies and businesses specialising in waste, around South Wales.
This state-of-the-art, modern technology enables saved time on vital projects, resulting in money being saved, too, and less standing time for machinery, plant and equipment.
As part of our ever-growing expansion, Gavin Griffiths Group are proud to release this brand new addition to our fleet, able to work with a range of scenarios, including:
· Developments with unexpected and/or unidentified contamination
· Highways/Utility works
· Dormant developments which need updated datasets
· Environmental incidents/spillages
For more information on the Rapid Mobile Testing Laboratory, head to our website: