Rapid Mobile Testing Laboratory
Gavin Griffiths Group are pleased to introduce its newest member to the fleet. Griffiths now operate a rapid mobile testing laboratory service for soils, sludges and waters.
The mobile testing laboratory offers results within 20 minutes of recovering the sample, allowing for the rapid identification and classification of materials ensuring materials are managed in line with relevant guidelines and regulations. The on site testing van allows for increased programme certainty therefore saving the project and/or development money by reducing standing time of plant and equipment.

QED Analyser
The QED analyser utilises the latest UVF technology to provide immediate and accurate results. To ensure the accuracy and robustness of the mobile testing lab, representative QA/QC samples are submitted to a UKAS accredited lab for comparison analysis. The QED analyser:
Identifies the type of petroleum hydrocarbon in the sample. In fact the QED can identify up to three different hydrocarbons in one sample in a single 2 second analysis.
Gives you the hydrocarbon concentration.
Provides accurate results for Coal Tar, total BTEX, GRO, DRO, TPH, sum 16 PAH and BaP in one 2 second test.
<1 mg/kg detection limits in soil for most petroleum fuels and oils.
0.005 mg/kg detection limits in soil, Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
0.002 mg/kg for BaP, which is more than adequate for the 0.01% limit for BaP at the 1000 mg/kg TPH lower limit for UK waste management purposes.
Natural compound identification and subtraction. The QED easily identifies and subtracts background organics, such as leaf mould or biofuels. These are incorrectly reported by GC as Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, (TPH,) entailing unnecessary expenditure on soil removal and remediation.
Will generate a result within 5 minutes of taking the sample – Up to 15 samples per hour throughput.
The mobile laboratory is an ideal solution to assist in the waste assessment and characterisation at:
Environmental incidents/spillages
Small/restricted footprint developments which prevent the stockpiling and storage of large quantities
Dormant developments which need updated datasets
Developments with unexpected and/or unidentified contamination
Highways/Utility works
Remediation projects in order to delineate and validate excavations and treatment processes